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This Directive sets out the minimum requirements for the identification and registration of animals, without prejudice to more detailed Community rules which may be established for disease eradication or control purposes. Member States shall ensure that: (a) the competent authority has an up-to-date list of all the holdings which keep animals covered by this Directive and are situated on its territory, specifying the species of animals kept and their keepers, such holdings to remain on the said list until three consecutive years have elapsed with no animals on the holding. This list shall also include the mark or marks which permit the identification of the holding; (b) the Commission, the competent authority and any authority responsible can have access to all information obtained under this Directive.
This Directive sets out the minimum requirements for the identification and registration of animals, without prejudice to more detailed Community rules which may be established for disease eradication or control purposes. Member States shall ensure that: (a) the competent authority has an up-to-date list of all the holdings which keep animals covered by this Directive and are situated on its territory, specifying the species of animals kept and their keepers, such holdings to remain on the said
Council Directive 92/102/EEC on the identification and registration of animals.
European Union
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